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How to Reserve or Register Web3 Domains from your TLD

How to Reserve or Register Web3 Domains from your TLD

How to Reserve Web3 Domains using your TLD

Reserving Web3 Domains from your TLD stops others from registering your reserved Web3 Domains. By opting to reserve Web3 Domains from your TLD, you can opt to protect or withhold certain Web3 Domains from being owned by someone else.

Head to and connect your Wallet which contains your Web3 Top-Level Domains

Within the My Account dropdown navigation select Reserve Domains.

Note : you can only Reserve Web3 Domains for currently Staked TLDs. Learn how to stake your TLD

Select the TLD you'd like to Reserve Web3 Domains for by selecting the view icon next to the TLD

Enter the Web3 Domain you'd like to reserve from your TLD and select Add

You can easily build your list of reserved Web3 Domains and at any point you can opt to remove any reserved domains, which will then allow others to register this previously reserved Web3 Domain

How to Register Web3 Domains using your TLD

Registering Web3 Domains from your TLD allows you to use your Web3 Domains just as another user would be able to if they registered a Web3 Domain from your TLD.

As both our Top-Level Web3 Domains and Web3 Domains are NFTs, they can be traded on any NFT marketplace.

Head to and connect your Wallet which contains your Web3 Top-Level Domains

Within the My Account dropdown navigation select My Domains

Select the TLD you would like to register a Web3 Domain from by selecting the view icon next to the TLD. This will open your Domain's information.

Select Subdomains (positioned to the right of Details) to toggle to view Web3 Domains using your TLD

Select "Add New Sub Domain (SLD)" which will then open up the Register New Sub Domains form. Enter the label for the Subdomain you'd like to register, press add then assign the terms of the Web3 Domain.

Opt for Renewable or No Expiry.

If opting for Renewable, assign a yearly renewal fee

You can register up to 20 Subdomains in the single transaction. Once you've added the domains you'd like to register, press Commit to Register.

Now your Web3 Domains will be minted as NFTs which you can view within your wallet. You will also be able to see a record of registered domains against your Top-Level Domain.

All Domains can be transferred to any wallet address and used as Web3 Domains